Personal Sampling Cyclones
Personal Sampling Cyclones

SCC0.695 Personal Sampling Cyclone
- Part #3919
- Particle Size Cut PM0.8 at 2.21 LPM
- 37mm Filter Size
- 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.8 (in)
- 5.67oz
- Stainless Steel
- Shrouded Inlet Design
- Ideal for diesel soot sampling
- Requires adapter for calibration (Part No. 3924)

BGI4L / BGI4CP Personal Sampling Cyclone
- Part #3545 / 3546
- Aluminum / Plastic
- Particle Size Cut PM4 at 2.2 LPM
- 37mm Filter Size
- 3.9 x 2 x 1.7 (in)
- 3.6oz / 2.65oz
- Respirable dust sampling

SCC1.062 (Triplex) Personal Sampling Cyclone
- Part #3551
- Aluminum
- Particle Size Cut PM1 / PM2.5 / PM4 at 3.5 LPM / 1.5 LPM / 1.05 LPM
- 37mm Filter Size
- 3.4 x 1.6 x 1.8 (in)
- 3.2oz
- Requires adapter for calibration (Part No. 3928)
- Ideal for particulate photometer

GK2.05 (KTL)
- Part #3543
- Aluminum
- Particle Size Cut PM2.5 at 4 LPM / 3.5 LPM (SH Model)
- 37mm Filter Size
- 3.75 x 1.6 x 2 (in)
- 4oz
- Available with shrouded inlet (GK2.05SH)
- Requires adapter for calibration (Part No. 3927)

GK4.162 (RASCAL)
- Part #3711
- Aluminum
- Particle Size Cut PM4 at 8.5-9 LPM
- 47mm Filter Size
- 6 x 2 x 2 (in)
- 8.9oz
- Perfect for silica sampling
- Can be used with Slaton Cassette or SKC cassette

- Part #1534
- Aluminum / Stainless Steel
- Particle Size Cut PM4 / PM10 at 4.2LPM / 1.6 LPM
- 37mm / 25mm Filter Size
- 3.9 x 1.6 x 2 (in)
- 3oz
- Adopted by NIOSH in Method 5524
Cyclone Selector Chart
This chart allows users to quickly chose an appropriate cyclone for measuring PM10, PM4, PM2.5, and PM1 at a range of flow rates.
Cyclone Calculator
This calculator demonstrates the performance of each cyclone determined by a mathematical model extrapolated from actual test data. For each BGI cyclone, users can enter their desired flow rate to determine the resulting D50 cut point. This calculator also provides the estimated pressure drop associated with a chosen flow rate. (Opens as a Microsoft Excel file)
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