Protect your data loggers from extreme temperature environments

If the process you want to monitor reaches temperatures above 140ºC (the upper operating limit of DataTrace® Micropack III data loggers) you need to protect the electronics and battery from thermal damage. For these applications you can choose from 10 different DataTrace® Thermal Packs, depending on your particular application. These thermal barriers are designed to insulate the logger body from the high temperatures, while allowing the temperature probe to extend out into the environment. All of the barriers work well in a dry environment and most will work in liquid environments, such as hot oil baths. In addition to high-temperature applications, the thermal barriers will protect the data logger battery in ultra-low temperature environments.

Model 2150 Thermal Barrier 

For MPRF loggers, Model 2150 holds one MPRF logger.


Model 3000 Moderate Temperature 

Designed for either dry or liquid environments, the Model 3000 is an economical choice to protect a single logger in moderate temperature environments.



Model 3080 Multi-logger 

With the lowest cost per measurement channel, the Model 3080 is designed to protect three Micropack III data loggers in moderate temperature environments.


Model 3070/3071 Single Logger 

Single-logger versions of the 3080 with the same temperature performance characteristics.  Model 3070 holds a single-probe logger. Model 3071 holds a dual-probe logger. 


Models 3140, 3141, 3200 & 3400 High Temperature 

For the ultimate in protection, choose from three different 2-inch diameter vacuum dewar thermal barriers. The largest, Model 3400, will protect your loggers for several hours at temperatures above 350ºC. 


Model 3175 Slim Line 

If space is at a premium, such as in depyrogenation ovens, the 1.2 inch diameter Model 3175 vacuum dewar is an excellent choice for the ultimate protection of your Micropack III data loggers. 


Model 2050 Small Body 

Due to its size and design this thermal barrier is ideal for deep-frying applications. 

Technical Specifications
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Technical Specifications

DataTrace® Thermal Packs for MPIII and MPRF


Size Cylinder, 75mm D 120mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

59 minutes

42 minutes


122010-500, 122011-500

Size Rectangular Box, 64mm x 86mm x 44mm
Loggers 122010-500 - One Single-Probe MPIII 122011-500 - One Dual-Probe MPIII
Insulation PTFE, Carbon

Dry Only

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

36 minutes

27 minutes



Size Rectangular Box 95mm x 82mm x 46mm
Loggers 122010-500 - One Single-Probe MPIII 122011-500 - One Dual-Probe MPIII
Insulation PTFE, Carbon

Dry Only

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

36 minutes

27 minutes



Size Cylinder, 50mm D 140mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation Vacuum Dewar, PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

109 minutes

77 minutes


Size Cylinder, 35mm D 140mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation Vacuum Dewar, PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

87 minutes

54 minutes


Size Cylinder, 50mm D 200mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation Vacuum Dewar, PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

195 minutes

135 minutes



Size Cylinder, 50mm D 400mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation Vacuum Dewar, PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

380 minutes

240 minutes



Size Cylinder, 30mm D 175mm L
Loggers One MPIII
Insulation Vacuum Dewar, PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

93 minutes

61 minutes



Size Cylinder, 38.1mm D 50.29mm L
Loggers One MPIII Flex or Bendable
Insulation PTFE

Dry or Liquid

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

10 minutes

7 minutes


Size Cylinder, 50mm D 152mm L
Loggers One MPRF
Insulation PTFE

Dry Only

Typical Dry Performance*

250°C / 482°F

350°C / 662°F

Maximum Time

27 minutes

20 minutes


NOTE: The upper temperature limit of all Thermal packs is 400 °C

*MPIII Logger(s) installed. Program: Initial 25°C for 1 minute, ramp to temp. in 1 min., dwell at set point, ramp back to 25°C in 1 min and dwell at 25°C for 1 min. Typical times, your results may vary.

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